From the outset, I want to understand a little bit what is banned and why he appears. To begin, banks - a simple prohibition of search engines to find your site, and only because of this we get a sharp decline in attendance, which means losing money. Before you start to promote the site , whether it is possible to determine whether your child has got in the bank? Of course, very simple, you just need to enter your domain in the search engine.
Let's list the most common reasons to ban your site. The first and most probably important - is the so-called plagiarism. Plagiarism - is not unique texts that are on the site or even copy from other sources of content. May be, so to speak, text generation fully automatic mode that search engine can not understand. Too optimized text, a lot of advertising on the site. You were caught on the ability to fool search engines and more.
Let's understand a little more detail in the last paragraph. At this point, we know three ways to deceive search engine. The first of them - cloaking when your website pages sounds completely different information, which is intended for search engines and visitors. The second - a doorway when your website can be promoted under certain key questions. Occurs site promotion , site gradually rises to the top, and the visitor enters a completely different site. Well, the last - redirect when all search engines index a single page, and your visitor again falls on a completely different site.
How are all the same, you can take your site from under the ban, or as they say - AGS?
Most important and effective way to output - is precisely to eliminate the very problem that led to this. Will be available in several ways:
From the outset, it will be necessary to get rid of, so to speak, of prohibited items on your site. Where does, various automatic exchanges, paid links, advertising and various other things that deprives the exit site of the ban. About excess advertising we have mentioned, but if the site was in a ban on search engines, why do we need to advertise, it can be easily removed, at least up to a point. Of course, is to stir online only unique and very high quality texts. Completely all searchers did not love or stolen content created by sinoimayzera.
It should also pay attention to thematic links that you put on your life, as well as a high level of confidence. All this will help the search engines consider your site popular on the Internet. It is also worth write a service in which it will be necessary to specify all completely eliminate the causes of the ban. At the end of this letter should ask to enter your resource in search engines. I want to note that the debate on this subject with the moderators of the company totally worth it, because it is quite useless. Well worth and only then to be patient as to exit ban may take a long time. Well, basically all the main reason for the ban of the site and its possible outcomes.